Thursday 3 April 2008

Straight Talking Politics

Answering the Question

It occurs to me that in one of the main advantages of blogging in politics is that it allows people to ask you questions unadulterated by mainstream media.
I really do not accept the idea that this can be a weakness. I am confident in my beliefs and believe that they can withstand in-depth scrutiny. I would much rather be proven wrong by well reasoned debate than grow complacent in a set of beliefs that have no practical value.
Those politicians I most admire- William Hague in the UK and Senator John McCain in the US are renowned for their willingness to give clear straightforward answers. Even if people don't always agree with them I think they are more inclined to respect them for their honesty.
Because of all of this and the simple fact that politicians should answer people's questions I make the following commitment:

I will give a clear and straightforward answer to any question put to me about my politics. I will not dodge the difficult ones and I will not engage in spin and jargon to conceal my meaning. I am committed to Straight Talking Politics

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