Monday 5 January 2009

New Year- Same Challenges

Happy New Year!

This is the time of year when political commentators are expected to come up with some fresh new insight into how the political world has changed or is changing.

In some ways it is. At a local level we are making efforts to reduce the impact of the recession on local residents and business, we are working with the police force to increase neighbourhood watch coverage and community safety and we are working to improve the transport infrastructure.

Let us be clear- we know that more is needed. We are working on ideas to reduce the burden of government on taxpayers, to bring our community closer together and to reduce our impact on the environment. Watch this space because more is coming...


Let us not forget the bigger picture.

We are in the grip of one of the most financially incompetent governments of modern times and the economy is going nowhere fast. The Prime Minister has failed on society, he has failed on public services and is now failing on the economy.

So if we have one New Year's Resolution let it be this-This year let's everything we can to change the government and bring about the change we need.

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