Wednesday, 2 April 2008


I am happy to say that I am now formally the Conservative Party Candidate for Empress Ward in Farnborough.
I have lived in Farnborough since mid 2006 and work locally. I have also been actively involved in politics for 11 years.
For me the top issues in Farnborough are:

1. Making sure that our town centre is developed in a way that maximises its benefit to residents and local businesses.
It has been a long time coming but I think the new town centre could do wonders for the life and economy of Farnborough.
It would be great to have more facilities and to see the character of our town redeveloped- and to benefit from the new jobs that would bring. We must however be careful to make sure that Farnborough doesn't become just another town. We need to keep what is best about our town whilst embracing change.

2. Ensuring that we look after our green spaces and facilities
Having lived in many towns throughout the UK I can honestly say that Farnborough is very well catered for in terms of parks, green spaces and sports facilities. We do need to make sure that they stay pleasant and accessible to all. It is easy to underestimate the impact that these kind of facilities can have in adding to the good character of the town, reducing anti-social behaviour and benefiting local property prices. Lets keep Farnborough green!

3. Cleaning up our streets
Crime, vandalism and litter are a blight on modern Britain and getting steadily worse under the national current government. Rushmoor is doing well to keep these threats under control and I am determined to do my bit on the council to protect Farnborough from the return of these depressing and disappointing afflictions of modern Britain

4. Traffic and Parking
Always an annoyance. It is tempting to believe that these problems can be solved overnight but so long as car numbers keep increasing we will have a problem. I think it is important to keep a sense of perspective and common sense in government to make sure that we don't do anything to make these matters worse.

5. Value for Money
I work for a major multi-national business and have worked at The Houses of Parliament and have witnessed at first hand how inefficent government can be. Rushmoor is one of the more efficient councils in the UK and I am determined to make sure that we keep getting value for money for our tax pounds.

I will continue to post on these subjects and other subjects of interest as my campaign progresses.


David Clifford said...


Great to see your blog up and running - I am really looking forward to you joining the team of Empress councillors.

We have a lot happening in the ward and are working especially close with the Police and residents to tackle issues of concern - then finding solutions together. It is in its early stages, but seems to be producing results rather than just being a talking shop.

So it is possible to make a real difference - you are going to really enjoy it, and will make a great contribution.

Unknown said...

Welcome Gareth and congratulations on your appointment as an Empress councillor.

I'm a resident of Empress Ward and the first we heard from you was the vote-for-me flyer last month.

I voted for you and look forward to seeing some decisive action in the coming months :)

Warm Regards,

Mike Wilson