Friday, 23 May 2008

Hair Off!

So, I've spent much of the past few days explaining my sudden change of hairstyle as shown in this photo.

To deal with a number of questions-

No- this is not an attempt to render myself unrecognisable to my constituents after the recent election (This being a tactic that Labour governments have been very keen to make use of the in past)

No- this does not indicate any shift in party loyalties

No- this is not a show of solidarity with William Hague, Iain Duncan Smith and John McCain.

What happened is that we were holding an event at work to raise money for the Phylis Tuckwell hospice and somehow I got talked into taking part in a sponsored head shave...

Anyway thanks to all of you who sponsored me and for all of you who have refrained from jokes about polishing...

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Face Off

OK, so there's a new sheriff in town and its time to take down one of the fiercest foes of peaceful Farnborough- the scourge of our streets, the plight of our parks, the terror of the town centre...

I am talking of course of abandoned shopping trolleys...

That's right- I'm declaring war on these annoying pests found all over the streets that make the place look untidy and get in the way of cyclists.

If you see one of these anywhere please give the Council's customer services number a call on 01252 398399 and get it zapped- I'll keep you posted as we attempt to regain our streets from this metallic menace...

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

The Beginning...

First of all my apologies for neglecting my blog over the past week or so- election week was really frantic this year and the results have only just sunk in.
Secondly my congratulations and thanks to all who helped in the campaign and to all those who won their own campaigns- especially to Boris Johnson- a great success and a real turning point for the Conservatives!
Anyway, now the real hard work begins and I'm really looking forward to it. I'll keep you posted here of all developments.
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